Days and Times:
M-F, from 9:00-1:30
Class size: 12
Teacher/Child Ratio: 1:6
Age Requirement: Children must be 4 or 5 by November 1st of the school year in which they enroll. The Multi-Aged Classroom is designed for “young fives” (children turning 5 in the summer or fall) and older four year olds (children typically who have birthdates in Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.) whose parents decide, because of age, developmental readiness or maturity, to wait a year before enrolling their child in kindergarten.
Class Description: Special attention is given to the developmental needs of each child in the in this class. The curriculum is based on a thematic approach with areas of study ranging from the Rainforest Habitat to “Great Artists,” like Monet and Picasso. Each theme is interwoven with early literacy and language activities, cooking, science and math activities. Early literacy activities include practice with rhyming, alliteration and letter recognition as children follow along on song and story charts, assist in list making, story dictation and journal writing. Children are encouraged to represent their ideas through art and writing. At the end of the year, children come away with a treasure trove of creative, beautiful and thoughtful representations of their ideas. This classroom also includes the Learning without Tears curriculum.
Because of the small class size, teachers have the opportunity to delve into subject matter, stories and ideas on a deep level, encouraging higher level problem solving and thinking skills. There is still ample time for free play, music and movement and outdoor play.
Social and emotional skills are also an important part of the curriculum. Children build a supportive classroom community where cooperation, turn taking, negotiation and many other social and emotional skills are practiced and learned on a daily basis.
Music Enrichment: Children participate in 30 minutes per week of music enrichment with music teacher, “Miss Nancy.” Through songs, percussion instruments, rhymes, stories, and activities, the music class:
- Improves early language development, pre-literacy, and word recognition
- Strengthens fine-motor, gross-motor, and locomotor skills
- Cultivates sharing, self-regulation, and self-control
- Develops the whole child
Science Enrichment: Children are introduced to the scientific method through monthly hands-on science lessons taught by Ms. Porter, the preschool’s science teacher. Lesson topics include: light and color, solids, liquids and gases, magnetism, and rocket science. After every lesson, there are handouts to families detailing the concepts taught and giving ideas about how to extend them at home.
Bible Stories in the Sanctuary: Children look forward to joining the Kirk’s Youth Pastor in the Sanctuary for Bible Stories and prayer. The Pastor chooses stories and prayers that expand and support our monthly Bible verses.
A highlight of the year is hearing the Pastor tell the story of the first Christmas and singing Christmas carols with the Kirk Music Director.
Field trips: Since hands-on experiences are key to the young child’s learning, this classroom takes several fieldtrips throughout the year to places such as the Cranbrook Institute of Science, Bower’s Farm, the E.L. Johnson Nature Center and the Rain Forest Café.
Daily Routine: The daily schedule allows for many small group activities. From centers to small literacy or math groups, to individual “sessions” the students in this class receive much attention, encouragement and instruction. Free Choice (work time), circle time, outdoor play and music and movement are also included daily.