
2025-26 Tuition Rates

2 1/2 -year-old class:  $250/month for Tu/Th class
3-year-old classes: $395/month for M/W/F class; $525/month for M-F (9:30-12:00pm)
4-year-old class: $650/month for M-F (9:15-1:15pm)
Multi – Aged (young 5’s and older 4’s) class: $675/month M-F (9:00-1:30pm)
Parent-Toddler: Fall Session: TBD; Winter/Spring Session: TBD

Sibling Discount: Families who have more than one child attending the preschool (not including our parent/tot classes), will receive a 5% discount on their youngest child’s tuition.

Kirk in the Hills Preschool admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.

Parent/Tot Classes

Children must be 2 by Sept. 1 of the year in which they enroll.

Registration for fall Parent/Tot Classes begins in April. During priority enrollment (April 1-May 1) applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis according to priority rules above.   A payment in full must accompany the application. Should you not get into the program, your check will be returned promptly.

Registration for the Winter/Spring Session begins in November. Families currently enrolled in the fall session have priority through Dec. 1. After Dec. 1st,  openings will be filled on a first come, first served basis according to priority rules. A payment in full must accompany the application. Should you not get into the program, your check will be returned promptly.

2 1/2-year-old, 3-year-old, 4-year-old & Multi-Aged Classes


  • Children must be 2 1/2, 3 or 4 by Sept. 1st to be placed in the 2 1/2-year-old, 3-year-old or 4-year-old class, respectively.
  • Children must be an older 4-year-old or young 5-year-old to be placed in the Multi-Aged class. 
  • Admission is open to Kirk families and the surrounding community.
  • Acceptance into the program is contingent upon the program’s ability to meet the individual needs of the child and family as determined by the Preschool Board of Directors.
  • Our school year is nine months, from September through May.

Enrollment Priority

An advanced enrollment period will be given to the following priority groups through Jan. 31st. During the advanced enrollment period, priority will be established as follows:

  1. Current children in Parent/Tot, 2 1/2, 3 & 4-year-old classes enrolling in the 3’s, 4’s or Multi-Aged classes for the following school year
  2. Children of church and preschool staff
  3. Siblings of current children whose parents are Kirk members
  4. Siblings of current children whose parents are not Kirk members
  5. Siblings of former preschool children whose parents are Kirk members
  6. Siblings of former preschool children whose parents are not Kirk members
  7. Children new to the preschool whose parents are Kirk members
  8. Children new to the preschool who parents are not Kirk Members
  • Priority groups should be aware that if you have a strong preference for a specific class that applications will be accepted on a first come, served basis (priority structure above applies) starting in November once applications are available.  Date and time will be written on the applications as they are received.
  • All priority applications are due by Jan. 31st. Applications must be given to the director, placed in the Tuition Box (outside the director’s office), or in the preschool mail slot at the reception by 1:30 p.m. on Jan. 31st.
  • Applications must be accompanied by payment of the registration fee and last month’s tuition (deposits are nonrefundable).
  • A waiting list will be established when maximum class size is reached. The waiting list order is subject to change in accordance with priority rules. The school’s goal is to try to create classes with a balance of genders and temperament styles.  To this end, it will be at the director’s discretion to fill spots based on the sex or temperament of a child, and not always by where a child falls on the waitlist.

School Tour

Families new to our program are required to schedule a tour with their child prior to submitting an application for enrollment. During tours, families will meet the teachers, see the classrooms in action, learn about the school, and have an opportunity to ask questions. Tours are scheduled at the beginning of the preschool day and last about 40 minutes. Tours may be scheduled with the director starting in November.

Families who have toured the program may submit an application any time after their tour. After priority applications are accepted, applications from non-priority families will be processed by date received, with the school reserving the right to admit students by sex and/or temperament to balance classes, if deemed necessary.

Enrollment Fees

A $125 registration fee and the May tuition payment are due with the enrollment application. The registration fee and May tuition payment are nonrefundable. Enrollment confirmation will be sent to all applicants in early February.

An Enrollment Agreement will accompany the acceptance letter. The Enrollment Agreement must be returned by the date indicated on the agreement. The agreement gives the school confirmation that you agree to pay monthly tuition throughout the school year. It also explains the procedure to follow if this commitment can’t be fulfilled due to a change of residence, for example.

Health Requirements

Children must meet existing health requirements. State Licensing Regulations for preschools are as follows: Each child will have a physical examination performed within the preceding year signed by a licensed physician. Any restrictions shall be noted. We will provide a Health Form to you in June. An up-to-date immunization record is also required on or before the first day of school. A child who fails to meet this requirement will not be admitted to school. On December 11, 2014, the administrative rule was passed by Michigan Department of Community Health requiring any parent/guardian wanting to waive vaccine/vaccines for nonmedical reasons to receive vaccine education from their local health department. Oakland County Health Division (OCHD) will provide this education for Oakland County students attending Oakland County childcare facilities and/or schools at no cost, but appointments are required. The 30-minute education session will include information on the risks of not receiving vaccines and the benefits of vaccination to the individual and the community. Parents/guardians deciding to immunize their child will be able to do so after the education session at the Oakland County Health Division clinic or their own doctor. If the parent/guardian still wants to waive one or more vaccines, the Oakland County Health Division staff will provide a certified waiver. Parents will be required to provide the certified waiver to their child’s school on or before the first day of school.


A flower drawing by one of our preschool students at Kirk Preschool Bloomfield Hills Michigan
A collage by one of our preschool students at Kirk Preschool Bloomfield Hills Michigan
A family drawing by one of our preschool students at Kirk Preschool Bloomfield Hills Michigan